Will Red Light Therapy Help Rosacea

The most common cause of sunburns and accelerated aging is sun exposure. According to the latest studies, it accounts for 80% of all apparent indicators of aging. Not only should we be concerned about sunburns, but sun exposure is persistent and can lead to early indications of maturing even if you’ve never had such a burn in your life. 

Let’s admit it, far too many of us didn’t even take protection from the sun seriously when we were younger or just grew up in an era when tan oil took up a more significant part of our life than sunscreen.

Summer is almost here, and we are sure that everyone like you and us is hardly waiting to enjoy long and hot sunbaths somewhere warm. With that being said, you might also wonder how to cope with rosacea despite protecting your skin. The most common question of these present times is: Will red light therapy help rosacea?

And as for answering that, read the article and find everything you want to know concerning this topic.

will read light therapy help rosacea

What Is a Red Light Therapy (RLT)?

People are becoming more aware of the advantages of led light treatment for skincare. The blue light procedure is generally used to cure acne and scars. In contrast, red and infrared light therapy provides benefits such as wrinkle decrease and a general fresher and youthful appearance.

Red light therapy is a relatively new treatment option that has shown the potential to treat wrinkles, rosacea, skin problems, scars, and other aging indicators. Many experts believe that more clinical studies are required to demonstrate its efficacy as a therapeutic procedure.

In addition, red light treatment has already been widely used in photothermal therapy and is widely approved by the medical community. A photosensitizer medicine is activated with low-power red laser light in this kind of therapy. The contact causes a chemical reaction that annihilates cells. It’s being used to treat skin problems like melanoma and psoriasis, dark spots, pimples and moles, and other forms of cancer.

How does red light therapy work?

The essential function of red light treatment devices is that they emit the same spectrum of light that the chromophores in the mitochondria absorb, which activates and fills the cells with energy. 

Light absorption causes the body to increase ATP (adenosine 5′-triphosphate) energy generation while also strengthening antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions. In fact, this implies that the human body is in good health and has plenty of energy.

The intensity of the red light is 610-700 nanometers (nm), and it can enter skin tissue up to 2.5 centimeters. A naked eye can no longer perceive near-infrared light, which has a somewhat longer wavelength of 700-1000 nanometers. It can reach far deeper into the body, including muscles, bones, organs, and the brain, making it extremely valuable. 

This type of light therapy system is similar to that of sunlight. Still, the device delivers a concentrated dose of particular wavelengths in the red and near-infrared spectral range. It does not emit possibly harmful UV radiation, among many other things, making this treatment unique in several ways.

Advice on How to Prepare Your Skin for Red Light Therapy

Taking care of your skin is the best way to prepare it for the effects of light therapy. Ensure you get enough sleep, remain hydrated, eat a well-balanced meal, and minimize sun exposure. Cleanse your face with a mild exfoliant before utilizing a light therapy device. 

Alternatively, use a home hand tool right in the morning before putting skincare products on your face. To get the most out of the led lights, direct them towards each target location for a few minutes before moving on to the next. Take before and after photos to document your progress.

When you’re outside, use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. However, if you get a sunburn, you should ask for help to treat it on time and well.


Red light treatment appears safe and has no known adverse effects, at least when used for a short period and as advised. This therapy is safe, non-invasive, and gentler than specific topical skin treatments. RLT does not use ultraviolet light, which causes cancer in the sun or in tanning facilities when exposed to it.

However, if goods are overused — for example, if they are used too frequently or not according to instructions; if your skin or eyes are not covered, they might get injured. The long-term safety of red light treatment devices is unknown at this time. Seeing a doctor or a certified, professional cosmetic therapist is the safest option.

Benefits of Using Red Light Therapy

Red light treatment is considered to function by affecting the mitochondria. Other cells can perform more efficiently with more energy, such as mending skin, stimulating new cell formation, and boosting skin regeneration.

RLT boosts the body’s collagen and elastin production, which aids in the healing of UV damage and other skin issues like scars and pigmentation. It also promotes the body’s natural immune reaction, which aids in the removal of dead tissue and cells and restores the damaged ones.

Disadvantages of Using Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is an entirely natural procedure. It exposes your skin to non-harmful levels of light instead of UV light from the sun. As a result, there is almost little chance of side effects when undergoing RLT. However, tissue and cell damage might occur if a practitioner has little experience or if they are exposed to too much of the treatment

Misuse of products intended for household use might result in skin injury, burning, or damage to exposed eyes. In rare circumstances, immediate benefits are achievable, although it is more common to see changes after a few weeks or even months.

But don’t let all this confuse or discourage you and still leave you wondering, will red light therapy help rosacea? Because in the end, you shouldn’t lose faith that it’s the right option for you.


Some common skin disorders are being advertised as candidates for red light therapy. It’s still a new treatment, but it has a lot of potential. If you’re thinking about getting RLT, talk to your doctor or physician first. Also, a dermatologist will initially examine your skin before making a diagnosis. Then you’ll collaborate with an expert to discuss therapy alternatives that will help you reach your goal.

Will red light therapy help rosacea? For sure! We are most definitely confident that it can do you just treatment if it’s a convenient way for you, and we hope we managed to answer your question on this topic and helped you on your journey to better skincare.

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