Does Red Light Therapy Lighten Skin?

Even though red light therapy is mostly known to help with skin, can it lighten the skin? Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that has been praised for its potential benefits. Using red light wavelengths, this therapy might stimulate skin cells, promote collagen production, help with hyperpigmentation, etc.

So, does red light therapy lighten skin? In this article, we will explore red light therapy and its potential effects on skin pigmentation. We will also discuss the efficacy of face masks and other RTL devices for skin-lightening and whether they are viable options for improving skin tone.

Does RLT Lighten Skin


Does Red Light Therapy Lighten Skin?

Hyperpigmentation might occur because of multiple factors, such as hormonal changes, age, sun exposure, skin inflammation, and genetic factors. Hyperpigmentation cannot be prevented; however, you might treat it and help it fade.

For example, you can start by limiting sun exposure and wearing sunscreen with higher UVA and UVB protection. You can visit a dermatologist and follow the skincare routine they recommend using. Or, you can implement red light therapy. However, does red light therapy lighten skin?

Red light therapy might help you lighten the hyperpigmentation spots. You might also include RLT devices for skin in your skincare routine or some quality face masks.

Red light therapy replaces natural light and comes in higher intensity than the one naturally absorbed by the sun. Red light therapy devices might help you get beneficial red light wavelengths without UV threats.

RLT exposure might speed up collagen production and blood flow in the rayed area. The speeded nutrient and collagen delivery might help the skin regenerate and become healthier. As a result, red light therapy might be beneficial for removing hyperpigmentation stains and preventing them from appearing.

Therefore, using a red light therapy device for a few months might result in skin lightening and skin tone balance. Meanwhile, the red rays might make your skin glow, with more elasticity and less redness as well as impurities.

How Does Red Light Therapy Lighten Skin?

Red light might stimulate cell repair and growth. The rayed areas absorb the red light rays and initiate more energy production in the cells and tissues. More energy means faster nutrient and oxygen delivery and cell repair.

This process results in better skin condition and tan balance. In most cases, the first few weeks of red light therapy might give visible results in a redness decrease.

Meanwhile, the skin cells continue improving skin by increasing the elastin and collagen. Consistent use of red light therapy devices might benefit individuals with rosacea, melasma, or other types of hyperpigmentation.

As mentioned, red light might also help melanin production get balanced, as being the main cause of hyperpigmentation. However, red light therapy needs more time to show results, so you have to be patient and use it more often.

4 Additional Tips to Speed up Skin Lightening

Red light therapy is just a part of the process. You should care for your skin, use good skincare products, and eat healthier.

Here are our four helpful tips for skin lightening besides using red light therapy:

Serums and vitamins

Vitamin consumption is an essential part of the skin healing process along with red light therapy. Whether you consume vitamins as supplements or as skincare creams and serums, you will not make a mistake.

Vitamin C serum is a well-known hyperpigmentation-reversing product. Using vitamin C skin serum daily is good because it exfoliates dead skin, speeds up healing, and calms skin inflammation.

You can also use vitamin C serums enriched with other ingredients like niacinamide and acids that might be beneficial in tan balancing and skin lightening.

So, vitamin C supplements might help you feed the body with essential nutrients and help you “repair” the skin from the inside.


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Sunscreen creams and lotions

Sunscreen cream should be part of your daily routine, even if you have no skin issues or hyperpigmentation.

Sunscreen lotions with higher protection factors might prevent the spreading and worsening of hyperpigmentation skin conditions.

Exfoliating face masks

It is good to exfoliate your skin to remove the dead skin and dirt stuck in the pores. You should choose a mild exfoliating gel and massage the skin with circular motions. This will unclog the pores and protect the skin from external pollutants.

Exfoliation should be done one to two times a week. However, exfoliating the skin too often might damage the healthy skin surface and drastically decrease natural oil production, which leads to dry skin.

After exfoliation, you can put on a hydrating face mask to “feed” the skin and make it look softer and glowy.

Your daily meals

The foods you eat play an important role in your skin condition and overall appearance. Eating junk food might cause acne, oily skin, blackheads, skin issues, hair loss, etc.

Eating balanced foods rich in antioxidants might give you the opposite effect or make your skin shiny and healthy.

So, try eating more antioxidant-rich foods like berries, leafy veggies, pomegranates, tomatoes, green tea, Omega-3-rich fish, healthy fats, etc.


So, does red light therapy lighten skin? As we have mentioned, red light therapy might help you in the process and repair damaged skin cells.

Additionally, combined with facial serums and other treatments, red light therapy might show excellent results in hyperpigmentation removal. You can also purchase a red light therapy device or visit a beauty center offering RLT treatments. Your skin will be grateful for taking care of it.

Overall, if you are facing this skin issue, it is best to visit a dermatologist and follow their recommendations to decrease the hyperpigmentation stains. Also, remember to use the prescribed face serums, wear high UV protection sunscreen, and eat healthier.

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