When to Use Red Light Therapy for Sleep?

Sleep problems have a detrimental influence on the rest of the day, and if ignored, they may lead to other health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and depression. That is why we feel it is a serious issue that should not be overlooked.

Several things influence our sleep, and light is one of the most essential. It’s evident that sleeping in the dark helps us sleep better, but there is more to it than we realize. Depending on the type of light, it can be either a stimulant that disrupts sleep or a relaxing agent that promotes better sleep.

But how and when to use red light therapy for sleep?

If this is what you were looking for, read on to know more about this topic.

When to Use Red Light Therapy for Sleep

Source: karpatiskinclinic.com.au

What Is Red Light Therapy and How Does It Work?

Low-power red light is used in red light therapy to activate mitochondria, the cell’s energy providers. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a chemical that helps your body store and utilizes energy, stores the majority of the energy created by mitochondria. 

The mitochondria can produce less ATP as a result of aging, sickness, or lifestyle choices. The use of red light therapy causes a reaction that aids in the reversal of this deterioration.

Because this wavelength range penetrates tissue the best, the red light treatment uses light in the red or near-infrared spectrum. It can be absorbed more easily by the sections of cells that capture light energy.

How safe is it to use red light therapy?

Red light treatment appears safe and has no known adverse effects, at least when used for a short period and as advised.

This treatment is safe, non-invasive, and gentler than certain topical skin treatments. Red light therapy does not use ultraviolet (UV) light, which causes cancer when exposed to it in the sun or in tanning facilities.

However, if goods are overused — for example, if they are used too frequently or not according to instructions — your skin or eyes (if not covered) may be injured.

The long-term safety of red light treatment devices is unknown at this time. Seeing a doctor or a certified professional cosmetic therapist is the safest option. 

When to Use Red Light Therapy for Sleep?

If you are wondering when to use red light therapy for sleep, you must realize that this type of treatment is unique. Some illnesses necessitate a more extensive approach than others. This could include employing red and near-infrared (NIR) light separately or together. To learn more about how RLT and sleep are connected, you can try some of the best red light devices for sleep.

If this sounds like an interesting approach to you, then you are already one step closer to improving your situation.

The uppermost layers of skin are penetrated by red light (660 nanometers), which increases collagen formation, ATP production, and circulation. Red light wavelengths are also thought to stimulate the synthesis of melatonin.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the body that aids with sleep. When you’re in the dark, your brain produces more melatonin, and when you’re in the light, it produces less.

When and for how long you bathe your skin in red light is influenced by the severity of your skin disease, age, overall health, and light sensitivity.

Red light therapy is quite safe and has very few adverse effects. Still, a slow start is recommended to figure out what will work best for you. 

Must Read: What Color LED Light Helps You Sleep Besides Red?


More isn’t always better. Begin with a 10-minute session every other day for the first week. A slight warmth may be felt in your skin during and after treatment. Individuals with sensitive skin may feel transient redness and tightness. Reduce your therapy time or walk away from the device in this situation. If no redness or tightness occurs, you can increase your daily therapy time to 15-20 minutes.

Because healing takes place at the cellular level and cells take time to heal and rejuvenate, you won’t notice significant changes in your skin right away. However, after 8-12 weeks of constant use, noticeable improvement is frequently seen.

Does Red Light Therapy Actually Show Results?

Researchers tested the effects of red light therapy on 20 female athletes in a short 2012 study. For 14 days, participants were allocated to undergo 30 minutes of red light therapy every night. Participants experienced better sleep quality, melatonin levels, and endurance performance when compared to a placebo group that did not receive light treatment.

A three-week study of 19 adults in an office environment was published in 2019. The researchers discovered that combining red and ambient white light in the afternoon boosted circadian rhythm and alertness in the post-lunch time when many people’s energy levels dropped.

While the research appears promising, further large-scale studies are needed to completely comprehend the effects of red light on sleep.

Other advantages

Red light therapy has a variety of uses, although it is most commonly used to improve sleep and stress-related problems. Red light therapy may be used to treat a variety of skin disorders, including acne and eczema healing. It may treat the following too:

RLT Price

If you get a professional red light therapy treatment, it might cost anything from $25 for a facial add-on to $200 for an individual appointment. Some providers may include it as part of their treatment fee. It also depends on whether you’re doing a whole-body paneled bed or just your face.

A home facial device can cost anywhere from $65 to $600, depending on aspects like light energy output (irradiance), the surface area covered by the frequency emitted in nanometers, and the number of features and treatments available. If you want to go all out, a full-body panel or bed could set you back anywhere from $2,000 to $12,000.


As marketed in different studies, red light treatment has shown to be helpful in sleeping matters. Using the red light properly and within a prescribed time is crucial since it might cause side effects or might be a risk to your health if overused. Even though there are many benefits from using it, even in sleep, you still should consult a doctor or a certified professional cosmetic therapist beforehand.

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