How to Use Red Light Therapy for Eyes

Red Light Therapy or Photobiomodulation is a fairly new treatment and has already been shown to improve eyesight or even act as eye protection by inducing anti aging effects.

A study conducted at the University College London found that using low wavelength treatment could potentially improve vision that declined due to aging and that RLT can help with eye injuries.

Are you not even the slightest bit curious to learn how to use red light therapy for eyes, vision loss, or even dark circles?

Find out everything about what this light treatment can do to your vision just by using it for only three minutes per week!

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Eyes


Red Light Therapy Overview

Therapy utilizing red light is a safe, natural method to protect your eyes from injury or pressure. Through various medical experiments, the wavelengths of red light in the 600 nm range and infrared in the 800 nm range are beneficial for eye vision health and overall eyesight prevention.

People suffering from age-related retinitis pigmentosa or glaucoma have seen substantial improvements using these new treatment methods. In contrast, those who are suffering from eye damage have seen increased recovery with negligible infections thanks to lighting therapy.

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Eyes

Usually, red light therapy is used to implement deep red and infrared light in the eyes in combination. The whole process should not last more than three to five minutes, as it may cause additional eye damage.

Red light therapy shields against blindness

Natural red light activates the mitochondria in your eye cells, producing more ATP energy – one of the basic modes of red light therapy. Short, three to five minutes of exposure to red light can combat eye problems by assisting the cells in your eyes to operate more efficiently and produce more energy.

Retinitis Pigmentosa treatment

A common cause of genetic loss of vision is retinitis pigmentosa. This debilitating condition destroys retinal cells, creates difficulty seeing in the dark, decreases peripheral vision, and potentially causes blindness. Researchers used 670 nm red light and an 830 nm near-infrared beam to apply red light therapy safely. They discovered that both were safe for any ocular outcomes.

Red light- natural glaucoma remedy

Glaucoma is an eye illness of the optic nerves that causes vision loss over time. Glaucoma impacts millions of people worldwide, and the chance of getting glaucoma only increases with age. Red light therapy is proven to be a natural, soothing antidote for people suffering from glaucoma.

Cornea protection

Corneal cells, responsible for keeping the cornea clean so light can reach through, are particularly vulnerable if under pressure. According to a 2017 scientific report, red light absorbed by patients’ eyes smoothed the injury and encouraged their development, defending against glaucoma-related vision loss.

Eye retina protection

Matching observations were obtained in a 2016 test that looked at retinal cells. Your retina is in charge of creating sight and constantly transmitting vision data to your brain.

We couldn’t justify our environment visually if we didn’t have these amazing biological functions. Scientists discovered that red light therapy might protect retinal cells when they are affected by ocular pressure.

Another researcher conducted systematic investigations into mitochondrial function in retinal cells and concluded that red light therapy might be much more efficient than proper topical formulations at approaching retina cells while also being non-toxic and non-invasive.

Optic eye nerve problems

Pressure or accumulated fat on the optic nerve is known as one of the most serious threats to eye health. Our optic nerve connects our eyes to the brain.

When there is a buildup of pressure in the eye, the optic nerve can be damaged and lose function. When the optic nerve is damaged, the eye cells begin to die, slowly losing vision.

Natural light effectively stops cell death in the retina when the optic nerve is broken. Multiple laboratory studies used this research as a foundation that discovered that red light therapy may have significant restorative properties after photoreceptor nerve damage.

Restoring vision

The envisioning response, which is the eye’s natural reaction to following a motion, is used to restore normal eyesight and natural eye-moving mechanism.

With red light treatments, retinal cells survived at a 30% higher rate in their first week, implying a greater vision recovery rate.

Secondary degeneration

Peripheral deterioration occurs in cells that are close to the site of the traumatic impact. Ocular cells near the lens nerve damage were involved in this case. Red light therapy guards these sensitive cells after three months of treatment.

According to scientific proof, red light therapy is a promising natural remedy that may heal optic nerve damage and protect against further damage.

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Eyes


Red Light Therapy for Eye Injuries

Human eyes are incredibly sensitive, and as such, even negligible-sized particles or very small scratches can often cause very unpleasant temporary loss of vision. Many forms of eye injuries have been confirmed to benefit from red light therapy.

Corneal burns

A corneal flash burn is a sunburn of the eye surface that is painful and difficult to fix. The cornea protects the eye’s deeper tissues by operating as a windshield, covering the iris and focusing light on the retina. The healing effects of red light on various sorts of injuries and wounds are also reported.

Rebounding from eye implants

An ocular implant or prosthetic eye is commonly used in serious circumstances associated with losing an eye due to illness or injury.

Patients who received red light therapy sessions recovered up to 10 days sooner than those who received normal medications or had ocular prosthetic surgery. Researchers discovered that red light promotes recovery and reduces nasty inflammation.


We covered some of the most important things for you to keep in mind regarding how to use red light therapy for the eyes. Red light therapy that uses both red and near-infrared spectrums is not only gentle for the eyes.

They’re combined with scientifically proven natural methods for healing eye damage, reducing inflammation, and preventing vision loss, as evidenced by various peer-reviewed clinical studies.

People suffering from glaucoma and age-related vision problems have benefited the most from red light therapy.

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