Does Red Light Therapy Work for Eczema?

People with eczema symptoms know very well the struggles that this skin condition brings with itself. It is no wonder that they are constantly searching for new and improved methods to treat this condition and end it once and for all. So, one possible option is red light therapy.

But does red light therapy work for eczema? You will discover it in this article and how you can use this treatment to improve your skin’s barrier and make it more healthy and vital.

You can also read a few experts’ tips on how to fully prepare your skin for the most optimal RLT session so that you see the effects in the shortest time possible, whether it is about rosacea, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, etc.

Let’s get started!

Does Red Light Therapy Work for Eczema?

Does Red Light Therapy Work for Eczema?

A skin condition like eczema can be tricky to deal with as multiple factors influence its appearance.

People struggling with eczema know exactly how frustrating it can be to constantly look for different over-the-counter medications, supplements, and treatments that supposedly should do the work.

For this reason, many of them began researching other methods of treating this skin problem, such as red light treatment.

Thanks to the red light therapy’s power to penetrate the skin and reduce inflammation, this therapy may be an effective and natural treatment for eczema.

By reducing inflammation and itchiness and speeding the healing process of the skin, red light therapy may be the best choice for non-invasive and effective eczema treatment.

Research and studies

If you take a look at the well-conducted studies and research that have been done previously, you can doubtless say that red light therapy may have a positive effect on treating eczema and lowering its symptoms.

As red light therapy has the power to penetrate deeply the skin’s layers, even the deepest ones, it may promote faster skin healing, reducing itchiness and inflammation.

Moreover, by stimulating blood flow and circulation, red light therapy may significantly improve the skin’s overall appearance, reduce fine lines, and make it fresher, rejuvenated, and in some cases, even more hydrated.

So, if you are looking for an eczema treatment on the safer and natural side, you might definitely need to consider trying red light therapy. This therapy may be a big improvement over invasive eczema treatments, harmful medication, and drying creams and lotions.

In continuation, you can read how you can do the most of the RLT and eliminate eczema’s symptoms most effectively.

How to Properly Prepare the Skin With Eczema Before RLT Session

How Often Should You Do Red Light Therapy for Eczema?

The answer to this question depends on multiple factors. Every person needs a different amount of red light therapy sessions depending on the severity of their eczema, their overall well-being and health, and other factors that might influence the skin healing process.

With these things in mind, the red light therapist or aesthetician is the one that will most optimally estimate how many red light therapy sessions you will need and of what duration. Most people have three to four therapies monthly for about fifteen minutes.

How to Properly Prepare the Skin With Eczema Before RLT Session

Preparing the skin and properly taking care of it is the key to making red light therapy as efficient as possible.

The first thing you need to do is find a well-formulated gentle cleanser with whom you would cleanse your face each time before the red light therapy session. 

Next, it is not a must, but it is good that after you cleanse your skin and pat dry it, you go over it with antioxidant-rich toner so that the red light may be even more efficient and your skin can absorb the red light even better.

Then, after you go over your skin with the antioxidant-rich toner, you will need to wait ten to 15 minutes so that your skin can calm down and absorb the toner well.

After you are finished with the RLT treatment, which should last about 15 minutes, you can proceed with applying serum and moisturizer to keep your skin nice, hydrated, and smooth.

Does Red Light Repair Skin Barrier?

If you use red light with a wavelength of over 600 nm, it is very likely that, slowly but surely, your skin barrier may get repaired, which is a tremendous plus in dealing with eczema.

The best red light device for eczema is near-infrared light, which has the biggest wavelength, which is key for the light to penetrate the skin’s deepest layers.

Read More: What Does Red Light Do for Skin?

How Long Until You See Results?

We first want to disclaim that although red light therapy may be beneficial and effective in treating eczema, the results are usually not long-term, and you must combine it with other treatments. But red light therapy may be powerful in decreasing inflammation; therefore, do not lose hope just yet.

As you already know that every skin condition is different, and the severity of eczema varies from person to person. There is not one estimated time frame in which everyone can see results.

We could have seen from the studies that some people reported progress in only two months of the red light therapy and others in four to six months, so it is an individual process and depends on numerous factors.

That’s why the best thing you can do is to find a good aesthetician with an excellent reputation and be consistent with the red light therapy sessions. You can even try taking pictures every seven to 10 days so that you will be able to see even the slightest changes better.


So, does red light therapy work for eczema? You have been equipped with the proper knowledge on how to take power into your hands and, through the help of red light therapy, finally say goodbye to the stubborn eczema inflammation. 

We want to remind you that consistency is the key to everything, so do not lose hope and give up but stay strong, as no skin condition is stronger than you.

Also, don’t forget to ask for guidance from your doctor or another health professional with any questions you have.

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