How to Use Red Light Therapy for Sleep

Do you struggle with sleep, or do you have trouble taking a restful nap after a long day? If so, you are not alone. Many people suffer from sleeping disorders that leave them unable to get a full night’s sleep, leading to lethargy and tiredness during the day. But how to use red light therapy for sleep? What’s so great about using red light therapy just before going to sleep?

Not getting a good quality of sleep often leads to increased stress levels and irritable mood. Most people use their smartphones when they are trying to fall asleep, which are known for emitting blue light. Blue light works by keeping the user awake for long periods.

In contrast to blue light, red light has been studied to help people fall asleep easier and improve their sleep patterns. Red-tinted bulbs can be calming for your brain, but you will need to get a light that emits red light wavelengths for the full benefits.

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Sleep

Red light therapy is an excellent method for those looking to relax and soothe their minds in the evenings. This type of therapy is known to relieve sleep issues associated with insomnia, SAD, and jet lag, among many others.

Many people report having a more restful night’s sleep and more energy during the day after using red light therapy for sleeping. Red light therapy works by emitting long red light wavelengths, ultimately promoting a soothing effect on the body.

Red light therapy devices are convenient and easy to use either in the morning or at night before bedtime. Red light therapy works by counteracting the harmful effects of blue light exposure. Additionally,

If you want to improve your sleep, you should try including 5-10 minutes of red light therapy every night before going to sleep. In order to achieve the best results, you should use red light therapy 1-2 hours before bedtime.

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Sleep


Red light therapy regimen for improved sleep 

If you suffer from poor sleep at night, red light therapy may help you improve your sleep quality. If you want to reap the full benefits of red light therapy, you should use it three to seven times a week for ten minutes.

Make sure that you are two feet away from the red light therapy device for sleep. The light mode should be a red light or near-infrared light.

Furthermore, you should use red light therapy in the evenings for at least an hour or two before bed. If your eyes are sensitive to light, you should try using the red light on your back. Using red light therapy on your back may lead to a relaxation of your nervous system. 

Red light therapy may lead to melatonin production 

Red light therapy might be an excellent help in treating sleep disorders like insomnia, and it can also be used as a light source during the night due to its pleasant and low light temperature and color. And according to some research, red light may also impact melatonin production.

Due to the warmer colors from the red light therapy device, your brain receives a signal that it is getting dark out, leading to the body producing the sleep hormone melatonin. Some might even say that the wavelengths of the RLT emit rays that resemble sunset colors. And when the brain perceives these yellow-toned colors, it tells the body it’s time to cool down and relax.

So, unlike being surrounded by screens and devices that produce blue light that overstimulates your brain, red light signals to your body that it is time to sleep. Thus leading to melatonin production

Red light therapy and sleep inertia

Sleep inertia is a feeling of grogginess that people often feel in the mornings after waking up.

This lack of alertness and performance can last from a couple of minutes up to a few hours, and it is a known side effect of sleep deprivation.

However, using red light therapy in the mornings has shown promising results in alleviating the effect of sleep inertia. 

Red light therapy may help in reducing inflammation and pain

As we have already mentioned, many people cannot get a good night’s sleep due to various sleep disorders. However, chronic sleep deprivation is not always due to insomnia. It can often be caused due to chronic pain conditions

The most common conditions leading to restless nights are chronic pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia.

Due to the lack of sleep, the symptoms of these conditions are often worsened. According to certain clinical studies, red light therapy may effectively reduce pain and produce healing.

Red light therapy devices are convenient

Red light therapy and sleep disorders

Sleeping disorders can be challenging to live with and often lead to stressful and foggy days. The most-reported sleep disorders are sleep apnea, insomnia, and narcolepsy.

Insomnia is a common sleeping disorder that leaves the affected person unable to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get a good night’s sleep.

Sleep apnea is a disorder that manifests with irregular and interrupted breathing during a person’s sleep. Sleep apnea may lead to hypertension, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, stroke, coronary artery disease, diabetes, and hormonal imbalances.

Narcolepsy is a sleeping disorder that leaves the person afflicted with it feeling excessively sleepy during the daytime.

Circadian rhythm disorders are sleep disorders caused by your environment or lifestyle. Some causes of circadian rhythm disorders are working in shifts, jet lag, and easily accessible TV and Internet devices. Sleep disorders can often lead to people developing depression, abnormal behaviors, anxiety, and irritability.

This is why red light therapy is recommended for those with such conditions, as it may help them fix their sleep schedules. Clinical studies are making a breakthrough with their discoveries. Most clinical researchers have found that by using RLT at night, you let your body de-stress and wind down naturally.

If You Want to Learn More: What Color LED Light Helps You Sleep Besides Red?


Red light therapy has shown great promise in alleviating various sleeping disorders.

With just 10 minutes of exposure to the red light before your bedtime, you may be able to finally get the recommended eight hours of sleep. Furthermore, with red light therapy, you are at no risk of experiencing the harmful side effects associated with taking sleeping pills. 

Red light therapy should be a safe and pleasant way to relax and drift off into dreamland. And now that you know how to use red light therapy for sleep, you can try it out and see the benefits of the treatment yourself.

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