Does Red Light Therapy Increase Estrogen?

Are you interested in learning more about estrogen and red light therapy? Estrogen levels naturally shift through the woman’s life as estrogen in women can be affected even with the slightest hormonal change. But does red light therapy increase estrogen?

Unbalanced hormones are a common problem, especially for women. It can be caused by many things, like stress, not getting enough sleep, or not eating well. They can cause many problems, such as skin problems, mood swings, water retention, etc.

The good news is that there are many ways to get hormones back in balance, such as making changes to your lifestyle, taking supplements, or maybe doing red light therapy. So, if you want to learn the connection between RLT and estrogen levels,  continue reading this article to discover.

Does Red Light Therapy Increase Estrogen?

Does Red Light Therapy Increase Estrogen?

According to some studies, red light treatment might affect female hormones and the menstrual cycle. It might help regulate the menstrual cycle and lessen the symptoms of premenstrual syndromes, such as irritability, depression, anxiety, headaches, and cramping and bloating in the abdomen.

Additionally, it might assist in maintaining a healthy balance of the feminine hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body. This might help support the general well-being. Red light therapy might help keep hormones in balance and ease the pain of menstruation. 

Now the question is, does red light therapy increase estrogen? Yes, red light therapy increases estrogen levels and other vital hormones. Moreover, red light therapy might help with many issues, such as hair loss, muscle repair, nerve pain, skin problems, insomnia, and mental health issues.

Implementing RLT

The power of red light therapy comes from its ability to focus the wavelengths of red and near-infrared light, which might help the body work better and increase estrogen and other hormones.

Red and near-infrared light, which are just different kinds of light, affect the mitochondria, which are the body’s powerhouses. If those mitochondria are given the right resources, they might mend the cell properly, restoring the body’s equilibrium and overall health. 

Because red light treatment turns on the mitochondria, we can upregulate this process. When cells have more energy, they might work better, heal faster, and fix any damage.

Additional Possible Treatments

Red light therapy might treat many health conditions, including skin disorders, sleeplessness, and hormone imbalances, by exposing patients to low-level wavelengths of red light. Since red and near-infrared (NIR) light can go much deeper into the skin than other types of light, it has been shown that they might be perfect for the body’s health.

After being taken in by your body, red and NIR wavelengths might stimulate the cells, causing them to make more energy and react more quickly to inflammatory stimuli. The creation of ATP, also known as adenosine triphosphate, which the body needs to fuel all of its functions, might be increased by using red light therapy.

Hormesis, a low-dose, short form of metabolic stress that triggers responses in our cells that are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, might also be produced. Hormesis elicits the same physiological response in the body as exercise does. 

Because of that, red and NIR light therapy might improve the health of cells, boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and speed up cell regeneration.

Read more: Does Red Light Therapy Reverse Aging?

Additional Possible Treatments

It might help with muscle recovery

Many know what it’s like to have sore muscles after working out. When our muscles work harder than they are used to, they get inflamed and cause pain. Pain from working out usually takes about two to three days, but red light therapy might help the body heal much faster. 

You might avoid delayed onset muscle soreness by exposing yourself to red light before or after a workout (DOMS). Also, red light therapy might help people feel more energetic.

Because of these benefits, many professional athletes use them to possibly help them keep up with their hard workouts and recover from muscle sprains faster.

It might help with pain relief

Red light therapy might help people deal with and lessen pain. Often, inflammation is what causes the pain. As light therapy might make it easier for our cells to repair themselves, it might also help fight inflammation and ease the pain it causes. 

Research also shows that red light therapy might be a great way to treat nerve pain that lasts long after surgery or an injury.

It might help with skin improvement

The numbers show that more than 50 million Americans get acne every year. Many know how hard and tiring it can be to deal with acne and acne scars. Vital medicines fight bacteria that cause acne and have a high success rate. 

On the other hand, they have many harmful effects that are more important to some people than the benefits. The good news is that red and near-infrared therapy might be a great way to treat acne. Low-level wavelengths of light might speed up the turnover of skin cells, which might help repair the skin’s natural barrier and fade scars.

It might help with sleep improvement

People often don’t get enough sleep, leading to serious health problems like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It’s not new that many types of light stop the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, which makes it hard to sleep. 

However, the red light works the other way around. It might make more melatonin, which makes it a good treatment for people who have trouble sleeping, work night shifts, or are just looking for a better way to sleep.

It might help with hair loss

If you are losing your hair, red light therapy might be able to help. Exposing your hair follicles to red light might speed up their metabolism. 

Also, phototherapy might help our bodies make collagen, one of the essential proteins in our bodies. Hair grows faster when follicles are stronger and collagen levels are higher.


We hope we have provided you with enough information about does red light therapy increase estrogen and its other possible benefits along that.

Moreover, if you plan to utilize such therapy, you should always consult with a professional or doctor due to any possible adverse effects on your health.

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