Is Red Light Good for Your Face?

Red light is pretty much similar to infrared light but is visible to the human eye. Over the years, this part of the light spectrum has become increasingly popular because of its benefits.

Red light therapy (RLT) may help treat skin conditions like acne, support muscle tissues, anti-aging, and other health issues. The treatment uses controlled exposure to low levels of red light, very close to infrared and near-infrared light. But is red light good for your face?

Thirty years ago, the red light was exploited by scientists to see whether it would help them grow plants in space. They’ve found that the intense light from red LEDs possibly promotes the growth and photosynthesis of plant cells. After the breakthrough, RLT attracted much attention, and people started exploring whether it could treat skin issues.

So, let’s discover whether red light laser therapy is good for your face, as well as the potential benefits and side effects of using such RLT face masks, LED masks, therapy lamps, etc.

Is Red Light Good for Your Face

Is Red Light Good for Your Face?

Red light therapy is believed to have a direct biochemical effect that strengthens the mitochondria. By stimulating the mitochondria, the body cells receive more energy or ATP. 

With the increase in energy levels induced by red light, the skin cells in your face may function properly, repair damage, and rejuvenate themselves.

Besides stimulating ATP production, red light is also believed to stimulate collagen production. Collagen is an important protein that is the main building block for your skin, bones, hair, muscles, and ligaments. It is responsible for giving your skin a plump and youthful look. 

Furthermore, red light therapy devices for the face may increase fibroblast production, contributing to higher collagen levels. By providing your facial skin with more collagen, red light may give your face better structure, strength, and elasticity.

It may also stimulate blood circulation to the skin tissue and reduce cell inflammation. Therefore, if you’re struggling with skin inflammation problems, red light may be able to brighten their severity.

How Effective is Red Light Therapy

How Effective Is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy is increasingly gaining popularity because of its promising features in treating different conditions and symptoms.

There are a lot of RLT full-body devices that may help your conditions. However, not all claims are based on solid evidence, so you have to be very careful about approaching a red light.

The potential benefits

Though clinical research and trials are still ongoing, there is evidence that supports many claims circling around the potential benefits of red light.

According to experts, red light may be effective at:

  • Promoting wound healing and tissue repair.
  • Stimulating hair growth in androgenic alopecia patients.
  • Treating carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Reducing psoriasis lesions.
  • Supporting the healing process of slow-healing wounds.
  • Improving skin complexion by building collagen to diminish wrinkles.
  • Soothing sunburns.
  • Diminishing scars.
  • Relieving pain and inflammation.
  • Helping people with hay fever.

Additional potential benefits

Thanks to the speed at which information travels online, it is very easy to be deceived about any “potential” benefits that aren’t backed by any research or evidence.

Therefore, even though many people rush to promote red light as a cure for every possible disease, in reality, you have to wait for scientific proof before you start using RLT to target a specific condition.

The following potential benefits of red light therapy feature limited to no evidence. So, if you thought about using the treatment to target some of them, you might want to wait for more conclusive evidence:

  • It may help in treating depression and postpartum depression.
  • It may help with supporting the detoxification of the body.
  • It may contribute to boosting the immune system.
  • It may help with reducing fat cells and cellulite.
  • It may help in treating back or neck pain.
  • It may help in treating cancer.

The Side Effects of Using Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy may be very beneficial for your facial skin and overall health, but it still causes some reasons for concern. Though it is considered safe and painless, some patients have reported burns and blisters from using red light therapy. 

However, these inconveniences are often a result of improper use. They’re usually reported by people who fell asleep during the session or users who struggled with faulty electrical wiring or device corrosion.

The most significant health risk while undergoing red light therapy is the risk of damaging your eyes. Red light is generally safer than other traditional lasers, but you should wear eye protection during the session to preserve your sight.

Red Light Therapy Service Providers

With the popularization of red light and its benefits, many different facilities have started offering red light therapy. You can just as easily purchase your own device and perform cosmetic sessions in the comfort of your home.

If you’re curious about getting your red light-emitting device, you should look for FDA-approved devices. To make the most out of your device, you should carefully read the instructions and follow them without making any adjustments yourself.

On the other hand, if you’re not willing to risk the well-being of your face and skin, we suggest you entrust red light therapy to skincare professionals and rely on established experts for such treatments.


Is red light good for your face? Red light may display encouraging results in treating specific skin conditions, but research is still ongoing, and experts’ opinions about the treatment’s benefits are still divided. 

However, some of its benefits are already backed by conclusive evidence, so we can suggest that it could be useful to incorporate RLT into your skincare regimen. If you want to be on the safe side, we recommend that you consult your doctor or dermatologist before trying out new treatments.

Purchasing FDA-approved red light therapy devices is now easier than ever, but you have to be aware that the FDA doesn’t approve the treatment for all the conditions it may treat. 

So, if you’re struggling with more severe symptoms, it is best to have them checked out by a doctor before starting the treatment yourself.

However, if you’re only curious about red light because of its potential effects on your face, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t try it. The treatment has shown to be very beneficial, so if you follow the manufacturer’s guidelines, it shouldn’t do any harm.

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