Does Red Light Therapy Help With Mood?

With red light therapy on the rise in the last decade, we wanted to know whether red light therapy can help with mood swings. As mood swings and changes can affect one’s day severely, it is understandable that people are looking for natural and non-invasive treatments to help them improve their mood. So, does red light therapy help with mood?

This article will cover everything regarding RLT and mood, including seasonal depression. Let’s see the connection between this mysterious red light and your mood. Let’s get started and discover!

Does Red Light Therapy Help With Mood


Does Red Light Therapy Help With Mood?

With the increased popularity of red light therapy, people started wondering if this treatment might be used for various health conditions, from treating fine lines to treating depression

The biggest interest in treating mood swings is light therapy, particularly red light therapy. But, as this treatment is newer and there is still not much research regarding how it affects mental health and whether red light therapy helps with mood, we talked to many professionals and experts. They gladly shared their knowledge with us.

From their personal experience and the many published initial laboratory studies, red light therapy might give promising and positive results by demonstrating anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. 

Other studies have shown that red light therapy might significantly improve cognitive functions and sleep quality.

Possible mood improvement

As blue light and insomnia are usually the two biggest factors affecting mood swings and changes, red light therapy’s specialty is exactly that. 

Red light therapy might stimulate the cells to produce particular natural chemicals that are proven to possibly influence sleep quality, increase the body’s natural energy levels, and might promote overall better functioning of your mind and body.

This light might be beneficial for your well-being by lowering inflammation and increasing blood flow. The improved blood flow might deliver more oxygen to the cells, making them work more efficiently while improving their quality.

Also, sitting under a red light for about fifteen minutes per day might be very relaxing and warm. It might put your mind into a meditative state, possibly improving your bad mood or eliminating any negative energy you might have. 

So, to sum up, red light energy might help with mood and make you feel more relaxed and energized than before. Being consistent with the sessions is the key to possibly feeling the maximum effects this light might provide, so be sure not to skip any sessions.

Related: Is Red Light Therapy Beneficial?

What Do Few of the Studies Say?

Red light therapy is a literal light in the dark to possibly improve mental health and mood changes. While there is a clear need for more research on this topic, we would like to look at a few of the most significant studies that have shared incredible results.

  • In a 2017 study, 39 participants suffering from depression received red light therapy for 9 to 12 minutes each, depending on the severity of their improvement. 92% of the participants have shown a possible reduction in depression and mood improvements, with many showing significant improvement after only four near-infrared light treatments.
  • In a 2018 clinical study, 20 participants suffering from mood disorders and MDD were administered transcranial red light therapy for 20 to 30 minutes twice a week for eight weeks. After only eight weeks, the HAM-D17 scores in the real group were significantly lower than in the placebo group.
  • In a 2018 case study, a 76-year-old woman with severe mood swings, depression, and anxiety was irradiated with near-infrared light. The daily forehead irradiation proved possibly effective in reducing mood changes, negative mood, and anxiety symptoms, and her overall functioning improved.

Red light and brain health

A few studies indicate that red light might stimulate the production of one extremely important brain chemical, melatonin.

This chemical is a naturally occurring hormone released to help you sleep. As this light is believed to possibly promote melatonin release, after the therapy, you might feel much calmer, and if you do this therapy at night, you should be able to sleep faster and improve your sleep quality.

That being said, as we know that insomnia is one of the biggest factors that make mood changes and low mood even worse, having a quality good night’s sleep and being well-rested might significantly improve your mood and make you feel more energized, calmer, and more positive in general.

Related: When to Use Red Light Therapy for Sleep

How Long Does Red Light Therapy Take To Improve Mood?

The answer to this question depends on the severity of the mood swings and one’s overall well-being. Some people said they had seen improvement in as fast as two months. Others said they had seen possible improvements in six months

Therefore, as seeing results is an individual thing for everyone, the best you can do is trust the process. Be consistent with the therapies, talk to your esthetician or red light therapy professional about how you feel about the therapy, and ask them any therapy-related questions you might have.

If you want to track your changes, you might also start journaling daily, where you would write down your mood changes and their severity daily. Then, after a few months, you will be able to compare the entries you have made and see your progress.


Ultimately, does red light therapy help with mood swings? With mental health and mood being maybe the trendy topic nowadays, we wanted to pay attention to their importance with this article. 

As mood swings might significantly impact your entire life if left untreated, red light therapy might be the best solution you can try and see whether you notice any changes. 

After looking at the numerous studies and publications on whether red light therapy help with mood, it’s safe to say that there might be promising results that possibly change how we treat mood disorders and low mood once and for all.

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