How to Use Red Light Therapy for Thyroid

Many people struggle with thyroid issues, but not everyone is familiar with red light therapy as a treatment option. It is still difficult to avoid mentioning red light therapy when patients who use it are delighted with the possible benefit of such therapy. 

The simple yet fascinating red therapy will leave you in a positive shock as you may slowly notice all the possible improvements in your thyroid function. For example, possibly helping with thyroid hormone, erectile dysfunction, weight loss, thyroid cancer, overreactive thyroid, etc.

So, let’s learn how to use red light therapy for thyroid health and whether it has any side effects.

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Thyroid

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Thyroid

1. Understand the basics of red light therapy for thyroid

Red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation, is an innovative method designed to deliver low-level red and near-infrared light wavelengths to the body.

When targeted to your neck region where the thyroid is located, it may potentially improve thyroid function and stimulate the growth of new cells.

This therapy is believed to work by triggering a physiological reaction that may enhance cellular energy production, subsequently boosting overall cell function and regeneration.

2. Choosing the proper RLT device

You should choose the right red light therapy device. There are numerous brands available on the market, each with different features, such as wavelength, intensity, and ease of use.

It’s essential to do your research and select a device that best fits your needs. Consult with a healthcare professional for advice on the most suitable option for you.

Make sure to check: Best Red Light Therapy Device For Home Use

3. Placement of the device

Once you have the right device, the process is simple. Position the device onto your neck area, specifically targeting the thyroid gland. This placement allows the light to penetrate the skin and reach the thyroid gland, potentially improving its function.

Ensure you follow the device’s instructions for proper usage and dosage, as too much exposure can potentially cause harm.

4. Consistency and duration of the therapy

Consistent application of the therapy is critical. It is recommended that red light therapy should be used regularly to attain optimal benefits. The duration and frequency of treatment sessions can vary depending on your personal health condition and the device you’re using.

Always adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations or consult with a healthcare professional.

5. Understanding the potential benefits and risks

As with any therapy, understanding potential benefits and risks is essential. Red light therapy is believed to activate deep tissue healing, enhance skin quality, lessen inflammation, and ease joint and muscle pain. Additionally, it may also help improve thyroid function, particularly in cases of auto-immune thyroid disorders.

Despite its many potential benefits, red light therapy may also have risks and side effects. Some users have reported minor side effects such as eye strain or irritation. Always ensure that your eyes are adequately protected during treatment sessions.

Remember, consult with a healthcare professional to weigh the potential risks and benefits before starting the therapy.

6. Observing results

Lastly, monitor your health progress throughout the therapy. Keep track of changes in your symptoms, energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. This will help you evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy and adjust your treatment plan as necessary.

Why Is a Healthy Thyroid Necessary

7. The safety for home usage

As part of learning how to use red light therapy for the thyroid, it is important to be sure that the procedure is entirely safe. Because of that, this kind of treatment has become popular for many medical conditions that people have. Plus, it is painless and non-invasive. 

Red light therapy imitates the sun’s inherent healing abilities but doesn’t damage the skin by emitting harsh UVA and UVB rays. The long wavelengths of red light are electromagnetic radiation that is not harmful or burning to the skin, unlike solar radiation.

Contrary to laser or IPL therapy, red light therapy might stimulate tissue rejuvenation without harming the skin’s surface. When appropriately used, red light therapy doesn’t seem to be associated with side effects. 

If the eyes are not protected while receiving treatment, it might harm them. That’s why it is important to wear eye goggles.

Red Light Benefits for Thyroid

Red light therapy might provide significant health advantages for the thyroid gland. So, the benefits that you might get are:

  • The thyroid gland’s capacity for regeneration might be strengthened. 
  • Red light therapy emits electromagnetic waves that might interact with the mitochondria, the energy-producing engines of the cells. 
  • By adapting your hormonal supply to your body’s needs, your thyroid cells might be able to function at their peak.

Why Is a Healthy Thyroid Necessary?

The thyroid primarily regulates vital bodily processes, such as breathing, digestion, body temperature, and heart rate. The hormone system must be stable for all of those processes to function. The thyroid can produce too much or too little hormone, which can cause issues. 

At the base of the neck, next to the voice box (also known as Adam’s apple), is your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland. An organ called a gland secretes substances intended to carry out specific tasks. When your thyroid hormone levels are overly high, you develop hyperthyroidism. 

It produces more hormones than usual when your thyroid gland is overactive. Among the issues it may cause are anxiety, sleeping difficulties, heat sensitivity, loss of weight, etc. Thus, it is important to understand deeply and learn how to use red light therapy for thyroid health.

Thyroid diseases

The majority, not just the elderly, should be worried about thyroid disease. The truth is that very few people in today’s society have optimal thyroid hormone levels. Although it may be challenging to believe, nearly 20 million Americans have thyroid disorders. 

Additionally, 60% of them are ignorant of thyroid issues. Generally speaking, a woman is five to eight times more likely than a man to be diagnosed with thyroid disease.

Risk groups

  • People over the age of 60.
  • People with conditions like pernicious anemia, type 1 diabetes, primary adrenal insufficiency, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, and Turner syndrome.
  • The thyroid condition might run in the family.
  • Utilizing iodine-rich medication (amiodarone).
  • People who have received treatment for cancer or a thyroid disorder.

That’s why it is essential to educate yourself on the topic of how you can use the possible benefits of red light therapy. Also, take precautions and learn the other things that hugely impact thyroid disorders, such as poor diet, alcoholism, stress, aging, etc.


Well, we have come to the very end of this article. Therefore, some medical offices and cosmetic centers offer red light therapy. Also, they can be located in gyms, medical spas, tanning salons, and wellness facilities due to their popularity and potential use for various symptoms.

Plus, it is an affordable way which is also a simple technique that doesn’t require you to have a lot of knowledge in that field. You only need to read the instructions; that way, you can see how to use red light therapy for thyroid.

The best thing is that you can also do it at home by using a high-quality red light therapy device. However, you must be willing to learn about it so you don’t do more harm than good.

Before beginning red light therapy, it is best to speak with your doctor to ensure it is safe and suitable for your needs before treating a medical condition.

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