How to Use Infrared Light for Pain

Almost all of you, despite your age, suffer from pain, which can have a negative influence on your life. If you’ve ever suffered from chronic pain, you surely remember the struggle to find the best remedy that works for you.

So, are you searching for an alternative method to cure your chronic pain, or are you just a curious page visitor that wants to get rid of some mild discomfort, like back pain, joint pain, neck pain, etc.? In this article, we’ll focus on how to use infrared light for pain, its benefits, and its safety concerns.

Continue reading to further educate yourself on the potential benefits of infrared light treatment for pain!

The Science Behind Infrared Light Therapy

How to Use Infrared Light for Pain

The most efficient way to use infrared light therapy today is with devices made especially for this cause. They deliver infrared energy to a particular area of the body that has problems with nerve pain or muscle stiffness. 

There’s a noticeable increase in the popularity of infrared light for home use. It only takes a couple of minutes per day to achieve results with regular use. Remember that these devices are a recent innovation, and there’s still more to learn about them.

Always make sure to choose an FDA-approved infrared light therapy device to make sure you get safe, proper results. 

So, how do you actually use infrared light for pain? You position the infrared light device directly over the area of your body in which the pain occurs. Use it for nine to 25 minutes, depending on the pain severity and body part. The infrared light may increase blood flow in the tissues and reduce pain and inflammation. 

You should also make sure that the area you are treating isn’t covered with clothes. This way, it’s easier for the heat lamp to reach the skin.

The Science Behind Infrared Light Therapy

Infrared light therapy, or ILT, is a natural and non-invasive form of pain relief. It may be suitable for almost everyone, from athletes and casual exercisers to those suffering from chronic or mild pain.

Infrared light technology was first used in the year 1990 for NASA’s experiment using cold light for plant growth. Scientists continued to study its positive effects on different types of living tissue and how it promotes pain relief. So, how do these light waves work exactly? 

First, infrared light therapy uses infrared waves of light emitted from LEDs to possibly treat living tissue. It penetrates beyond multiple layers of the skin to reach the deep tissue. 

Next, the cells absorb the energy from the light and become more active. Due to this, the blood flow may increase and prevent cell death and tissue damage. 

The end result is a combination of activities known as cellular regeneration and regrowth, which may help repair wounds and injuries, as well as reduce inflammation.

How to Use Infrared Light for Pain

What Kind of Pain May Infrared Light Therapy Treat?

Infrared light therapy may be used on almost every part of the body. Some commonly used problems that may be solved with infrared light include:

  • Back pain
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck aches
  • Knee pain
  • Shoulder soreness
  • Ankle and wrist issues
  • Period cramps

Some other beneficial results from regular infrared light treatment may include less stiffness, less muscle soreness, and fewer spasms. It’s even said that it might be used to improve circulation in people with diabetes. You should buy red light therapy devices for joint pain and see how useful for your health they are.

How Safe Is Infrared Therapy?

Light therapy is occasionally referred to as “radiation therapy”, so many people ask themselves if it’s dangerous or how often it should be used. Some even fear that it has the same risks as sun exposure. However, there’s no need to worry because that’s not the case here.

Radiation actually means that some kind of energy is coming from a specific source. It can allude to anything from a radio wave to a lightbulb or, in this case, a LED. 

Infrared LEDs produce non-ionizing forms of radiation and don’t pose the same risks as X-rays or UV light. However, even though it’s generally considered safe, you should always consult your physician before starting any kind of pain treatment.

Remember that using infrared light for pain, as well as therapy in general, are fairly new concepts in both the wellness and health industry. The treatment is still in the early stages of research, so there’s still much to learn about the effects.

On the other hand, there’s an ever-growing rise in the proof that its efficiency is growing as the interest in the technology increases. Besides the unknown side effects, some may be inevitable if this therapy is overused.

Common Mistakes When Using Infrared Light Therapy

Some common mistakes people make while using infrared light therapy at home are: 

  • Being inconsistent with the treatment.
  • Wearing sunscreen or clothes.
  • Making the sessions too short or too long.
  • Sitting too far or too close to the device
  • Using the wrong red light or infrared light setting.
  • Using the wrong size device.
  • Not staying hydrated.
  • Not discussing your red or infrared light therapy with a doctor.
  • Not tracking the progress.
  • Expecting immediate results or a cure.

Difference Between Red and Infrared Light Therapy

The first thing that you should know about the difference between red and infrared light therapy is their position in the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum is a helpful way to measure light with its frequency and wavelength. 

The human eye can perceive wavelengths of light that range from 400 to 700 nanometers. However, the human body can feel parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that cannot be seen. This includes infrared heat.

Red light is visible and has wavelengths of 630-700 nanometers. It’s most effective when used on the surface of the skin. 

Infrared light is invisible and right next to a red light on the electromagnetic spectrum at 800 nanometers to 1 millimeter. It isn’t only effective on the skin’s surface because it also penetrates about 1.5 inches into the body. 

While red lighting might be effective for hair growth, wound healing, and skin issues, infrared light may be used for muscle recovery and pain relief.


To wrap it up, we explained the basic information you need to know about how to use infrared light for pain. It may be a great natural way to manage chronic pain without the use of drugs.

The treatment time varies depending on the pain issue, body part, and type of device. You can use it on any area of the body you desire, up to two times a day. It can be anything from 14 to 25 minutes. However, if you’re new to this type of therapy, you should start with a single daily treatment.

Remember, consulting an ILT professional before using this therapy is always recommended. Even though the research process is still ongoing, you should check it out and be the judge of the results yourself!

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