Does Red Light Therapy Help Vertigo?

Red light therapy has been used in various ways, and trying to treat vertigo with RLT is no exception. But does red light therapy help vertigo, or will the dizziness continue even after undergoing a red light therapy treatment?

Vertigo is more of a symptom rather than a condition, often caused by a problem in the inner ear. It’s a sensation that everything around is spinning; in more serious cases, vertigo may be a sign of a vestibular balance disorder.

So, let’s find out whether RLT can help vertigo or it the therapy is solely restricted to improving and rejuvenating the skin.

Does Red Light Therapy Help Vertigo


What Is Red Light Therapy

Although low-level therapy has come a long way and is one of the most popular treatments in America, some people are still skeptical and wonder does it work, despite the many studies conducted that show promising evidence of how beneficial RLT can be.

Low-level therapy may positively affect the immune and endocrine systems of the human body. Now, in 2023, this treatment has been FDA-approved for conditions like slow-healing wounds and chronic joint pain. 

The therapy involves red and low-power light wavelengths directly emitted through the skin. Luckily the treatment is not painful, and the low wavelengths are not harmful. This is because low-level light does not produce any heat. This therapy is absorbed in the skin to a depth of 8 to 10 millimeters

This is a perfect spot for achieving a positive effect on cellular energy and several metabolic processes. The therapy is called low-level because it utilizes a much lower energy density than any other form of laser therapy.

How Does It Work 

The way that this therapy works is by exposing you to low levels of red or near-infrared light. Infrared light is a type of invisible energy to the naked eye, and the body only experiences heat. The red light works similarly, but you can see it. 

If you consider red light therapy treatment, you need to expose your skin to a laser, lamp, or device that shines with red light.

The “power generators” of your skin cells, also called mitochondria, soak up the light and produce much more energy. The entire process is natural and cannot cause harm if you don’t step over the boundaries and leave your skin exposed to red light for many hours. 

The therapy cannot hurt or burn your skin because it uses a very small level of heat. The low-level treatment is very much different from the type of light used in tanning booths, and you can rest assured knowing that your skin is not exposed to UV rays. 

What Is Vertigo and Does Red Light Therapy Help Vertigo

Being one of the most common medical problems affecting people, vertigo has affected 15 to 35% of the world’s population, and the percentage of people affected is constantly rising. Therefore, you might want to take the condition much more seriously.

Although the severity of vertigo varies, some patients have experienced many disabilities that may be temporary or permanent. The primary cause of vertigo is dysfunction of the peripheral vestibular system.

Unfortunately, studies have shown that no specific treatments can cure this dysfunction. In this situation, vestibular rehabilitation is the most therapeutic approach that people have learned to rely on. This type of rehab involves compensation from the central nervous system.

Red Light Therapy and Vertigo


Red light therapy and vertigo

Now that you know what this type of therapy is and how it affects the body, it is time to address the question does red light therapy help vertigo?

Photobiomodulation is a therapeutic appliance of light energy that can be near-infrared and red. The energy’s power levels are low, allowing them to nurture the skin without burning or damaging any tissue harmfully. Red light therapy may promote the reduction of inflammation, tissue regeneration, skin improvement, and pain relief.

Although the working mechanism of this type of low-level therapy is still foggy, and there are countless studies done every month, the results so far suggest that the photochemical effects of this therapy may stimulate the respiratory chain and the adenosine triphosphate production in the body.

In addition, many other studies have proven that photobiomodulation can positively affect any chronic and acute pathologic conditions. Regarding vertigo, red light therapy can stimulate the areas connected to the vestibular nerve and help remove vertigo symptoms.

The long wavelengths from the near-infrared and red light therapy that the photobiomodulation process uses allow less scattering and deeper penetration that may heal any living tissue.

Therefore, scientists believe red light therapy may be a good treatment for deep organs like the inner ear. The inner ear affects the hearing and the vestibular organs, forming a fluid-filled cavity with a bony wall that can eventually become vertigo.

What Else Can Red Light Therapy Treat

Scientists and researchers have been paying close attention to this type of therapy for a while. Without any significant proof yet, it is believed that red light therapy may help with certain issues like:

You can also find out if red light therapy is effective against Gout, Lyme disease, and Autoimmune disease.

Are there any risks when using red light therapy

With hundreds of studies done on low-level therapy, researchers are still not sure how exactly it works. The RLT is generally considered safe if you follow the instruction and guidelines for recommended skin exposure.

However, remember that too little exposure may not work at all, and too much light may damage the tissue of your skin. If you have no experience, it would be advisable to do the therapy in a red-light-certified professionals’ office.


Unfortunately, there is no specific answer on whether or not does red light therapy help vertigo. If you decide to try it, you can do the treatment in salons and doctor’s offices, but don’t forget to consult with your doctor first. Experienced users can try and purchase their red light therapy device. Good Luck!

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