Does Red Light Therapy Help Dermatitis?

Dermatitis is a general term used to indicate common skin irritation, and some say that red light therapy can be a potential solution for dermatitis. No matter how many products you use or how well you follow a well-balanced diet, you will always experience flare-ups, or the condition will repeat time and time again. So does red light therapy help dermatitis?

The good news is that natural red light treatment has been shown in recent clinical studies to effectively reduce itching and redness, improve the look of skin rashes and flaking, and reduce inflammation, encouraging news for those suffering from these skin disorders. 

So, if you are interested in whether RLT helps with dermatitis, stay with us to find out.

Does Red Light Therapy Help Dermatitis


Does Red Light Therapy Help Dermatitis?

Dermatitis and psoriasis are two common skin conditions that may cause serious problems. According to studies, red light therapy can be a successful, all-natural treatment for dermatitis, reducing inflammation while improving the skin’s overall healing process. 

Researchers discovered significant improvements in common dermatitis symptoms, including a decrease in gooseflesh-like bumps, flaking skin, reddening, acne, or swelling, even with a short treatment. And when using red light therapy, patients picked at their skin less and had fewer leathery patches.

Red light treatment is routinely proven to be safe, natural, and free of severe side effects, making it a significant improvement over prescription medications and invasive procedures.

Red light therapy doesn’t cause the same side effects as most creams, lotions, and medications. For instance, using steroid creams over time might thin your skin and lead to dependency, so you may need to keep using more steroids to get the same effect. This is not the case for red light therapy, as it doesn’t lead to dependency, however, when treating dermatitis, once you stop with the treatment, the condition may repeat itself.

All skin types and tones may benefit from red light therapy. Both adults and children can use it, and users can apply it everywhere they experience irritations. Additionally, red light treatment may be used to treat scars left by your condition in addition to alleviating dermatitis symptoms.

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More About Dermatitis and the Limitations of Current Treatments

Dermatitis can take many forms, such as atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, nummular eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and stasis dermatitis. Men and women of any age can develop dermatitis, as well as kids. 

Although there are many distinct types of dermatitis, they all have the same symptoms, including redness, irritation, and dry areas of skin that can be extremely itchy and uncomfortable.

While various treatments are available to help with dermatitis symptoms, they don’t tackle the root cause of the problem. The issue with most dermatitis remedies is that they only deal with a particular aspect of the problem. 

For instance, many topical remedies merely deal with symptoms like dryness and itching. These are merely indicators of a more severe problem, such as dry skin caused by a damaged skin barrier. An itchy rash does not cause dermatitis on its own; instead, it is one of its symptoms.

People with dermatitis may find red light therapy devices to be an excellent treatment choice because they may help heal the skin barrier from within. When the skin barrier is fully functional, your skin will be best prepared to protect you from allergens and irritants that cause symptoms.

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How Can Red Light Therapy Improve Skin Health

Red light treatment works by penetrating the skin and potentially stimulating internal healing with a wavelength of light. Your body’s cells absorb red light, possibly stimulating increased blood flow and collagen production to repair dermatitis damage.

Dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne are just a few of the inflammatory conditions that red light therapy has been shown to help with. Red light therapy may also help reduce inflammation by increasing blood flow and cell regeneration, which is a common link between these conditions.

Red light treatment has anti-inflammatory qualities in addition to its ability to possibly heal the skin barrier, which is helpful for those with dermatitis. People with dermatitis may find red light therapy to be an excellent therapy choice because it works to restore the skin barrier from within. 

A healthy skin barrier is necessary for preventing moisture loss and keeping irritants out of your system. People with dermatitis may develop flare-ups when the skin barrier is damaged or compromised. Red light treatment is believed to stimulate collagen production so the skin barrier can heal from within.


When undergoing therapy, be sure to use goggles to prevent eye strain. We advise starting with regular five to 20-minute light treatment sessions every other day. Keep in mind that regular treatments encourage cellular healing. 

However, this course of dermatitis treatment will take time. Before you get satisfying results, give yourself a few weeks or months.

LED light therapy is a safe treatment, and unlike UV light therapy, its long-term use is supported by studies.

You can continue red light therapy treatments over time to help prevent potential dermatitis flare-ups and reduce skin sensitivity.


So does red light therapy help dermatitis? The short answer is yes. Red light therapy may be a helpful, all-natural treatment for inflammatory skin, reducing itching and swelling and improving the skin’s overall healing process. 

This alternative is a long-term, all-natural remedy that goes beyond treating symptoms to enhance your body’s cellular functioning.

Natural red light treatment is frequently shown to be safe and free of severe side effects, making it a vast improvement over prescription drugs and intrusive procedures. 

Additionally, with this treatment, you might get rid of acne, fine lines, and sun damage, and may also reduce scars.

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