Can You Use Retinol With Red Light Therapy?

As red light therapy’s popularity has drastically increased in the last decade, more and more people utilize its benefits for anti-aging purposes. However, as this trend is spreading wider and wider, many questions seem to be always bothering thousands of users of this therapy.

Can you use retinol with red light therapy? What is the best time to do the retinol cream and red light therapy combo for good skin care? 

In continuation, we shared a few things you need to know for a successful implementation of retinol serum and RLT. Keep reading as we uncover the best ways to make the red light therapy and retinol combination as effective as possible.

Can You Use Retinol With Red Light Therapy?


Can You Use Retinol With Red Light Therapy?

Although red light therapy is powerful on its own, combined with retinol potentially makes for the perfect combination for wrinkle-free and flawless skin.

This combination might also help to reduce acne, scars, and skin texture. Retinol and red light therapy might work wonders if this combination is used regularly and properly.

With all these things in mind, many people go to the idea of combining retinol with the red light therapy that’s already been proven to affect skin rejuvenation. But can you use retinol with red light therapy? Are there any major side effects this combination can cause to your skin?

If you use the retinol properly, you should not see any side effects when you combine it with the red light therapy, But on the contrary, you might notice increased positive effects that this duo provides.

With only a couple of drops and regular red light therapy sessions, you might see significant improvement and rejuvenation in your skin appearance.

In continuation, you can read what beauty experts advise before trying this combo, so ensure to read everything carefully. 

What Is Retinol?

By now, you have probably heard of retinol. Some claim it is the magic ingredient for youthful and smooth-looking skin. However, we are not here to tell fairy tales but to see the scientific point of view regarding this ingredient in combination with red light therapy.

Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A which, when used regularly, might have a powerful impact on the overall skin. Through cell turnover, this ingredient can combat skin loosening and sun damage through its collagen properties.

Also, well-formulated retinol is known for significantly improving skin tone, texture, and pigmentation.

When and How Many Times Should You Use Retinol?

As each of you is distinct with different skin and physiology, there are some essential things you need to know to make the most out of the retinol and red light therapy and adapt this method specifically for your face and skin concerns.

Regarding when to use retinol, you will see the most benefits and avoid any unpleasant side effects if you use it at night before sleep. One of the most important reasons behind this is that retinoids break down in sunlight.

So, if you expose your skin while having retinol on it in daylight, you might end up with peeling of the skin, redness, irritation, or even an allergy reaction.

The second reason you should use retinol at night is that during your sleep, the process of cell turnover happens. Applying retinol just right before sleep might enhance and stimulate this natural process so you may wake up with glowy and fresher-looking skin.

Lastly, we would not recommend more than two times per week as it can cause stinging and tightening of the skin, which is not what you want.

What Is the Best Time to Do the Retinol and Red Light Therapy Combo?


What Is the Ideal Time for Retinol and RLT Combo?

Some people prefer to do it in the morning, and others prefer it at night. Let’s explain and see why that is so.


If you want to do the retinol and red light therapy combo at night, you must do it before putting retinol on your face.

This means you will need to wash your face with a non-drying wash or cleanser and dry it well by gently patting it with a clean and dry towel. After your skin is completely dry, you may proceed with red light therapy. 

After you are finished with the therapy, you might want to wait for an additional 10 to 15 minutes and give time to the skin to calm down a bit. Then you can proceed with applying your retinol product and finish with the moisturizer.


When comparing the nighttime and daytime benefits of red light therapy, many people noticed that the results were more visible when they practiced daytime red light therapy. There is a perfectly good reason for that.

For a successful daytime red light therapy, you must do your night skincare routine before bed. So, you must cleanse your skin, apply retinol, and moisturize. In the morning, your skin will have absorbed the retinol, and there will be small traces of it inside your skin layers. 

By doing the red light therapy while still having traces of the retinol in your skin layers, some people noticed a major difference and more visible results.

All you will need to do is wash your face, dry the skin gently, do the red light therapy, wait for 10 to 15 minutes, apply moisturizer, and do not, we repeat, do not forget to put on sunscreen.

How Long Until You See the First Results?

Seeing the first results from the retinol and red light therapy combo differs for everyone. The best way to notice results is to take pictures of your skin once every seven to ten days. 

Regarding the time frame, some people see results after a month, and some after four to six months, so it depends on many factors. All you need to do is relax and enjoy the process. The results will be there as long as you are consistent and dedicated to the therapy sessions.


Can you use retinol with red light therapy? In this article, we have uncovered the beauty expert’s secrets on red light therapy, retinol, and whether you can use retinol with red light therapy.

Besides that, we have provided in-depth information. So, whether you are a beginner or an experienced user of this combination, you can make the most out of it and adapt the red light therapy specifically to your skin’s needs and concerns.

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